The title is based on the 2004 Japanese horror film Ju-On (named Aoi No ue in Japan), written and directed by Takashi Shimizu, and is a spiritual sequel to Shimizu's 2000 film Ju-on. The game features new characters, the original Ju-On cast and a variety of monsters found in the original film, including the Chijima Orisha, an African version of the Nuregami. The game was released in 2008 on multiple platforms, including the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii.
The Ju-On series features multiple points of view, with the player given the role of a protagonist, or an observer who witnesses events unfold before their eyes. Characters have limited control over their own actions; whenever they make a conscious decision, the game reflects the ramifications of that decision by either blocking the player's progress or presenting a plot twist. Dialogue plays a key role in Ju-On: The Grudge and Ju-On: The Grudge 2, which is presented as an audio recording taken directly from the original Ju-On film. The player controls a "protagonist" who witnesses a series of events unfold, and takes part in them directly or indirectly. The player's viewpoint, known as the "investigator's eye," is the same as that of the protagonist, though camera angles can be altered, and the player is capable of performing certain actions that they are unable to accomplish as the protagonist.
The gameplay relies heavily on the "investigator's eye" view, and is also split into chapters. Each chapter is a separate "episode", and is broken down into sections that must be completed in order to advance the story. If the player fails to make progress within a certain time limit, they are forced to replay that section. The chapters in which the player character is a killer are known as "nightmares", and the player must commit specific acts in these chapters in order to progress to the next chapter.
The Grudge 2 is a prequel to The Grudge, and features the same characters, though the plot is different. Unlike the first game, in which the main character had no direct control over his actions, the main protagonist in The Grudge 2 is able to perform actions, such as walking and talking, though he is still forced to commit certain acts.
Ju-On: The Grudge, Ju-On: The Grudge 2 and Ju-On: The Grudge 0.5 are both survival horror
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